The Philosophy of Sales.

Convincing a potential customer to buy from your company is an interesting phenomenon, especially in enterprise business-to-business sales, those types of sales that are valued in the five figures or more.

Of course, the potential customer has a problem that they are looking to solve, and your company offers one of the potential solutions. The interesting thing to note is that the prospect does not have a choice whether to buy or not, as they need to solve their problem.

The question is, will they buy from you?

And so, it boils down to creating trust that you can achieve a solution to the given problem, that you have done similar work before, and that the price and what you are selling match well with the buyer’s mindset.

After that, you simply give your offer, and let the arrow fly.

This is where the philosophical part of sales comes in.

You actually have no control other than whether the customer will buy from your or someone else, you can just give your offer and then wait, and sometimes you will win, and sometimes you will lose, no matter how hard you try to win.

And so, it is a much wiser approach to focus on the process and not the results. This is because the process is something over which you can have a lot of control in. You can create your presentation, choose which points to highlight, decide to spend extra time consulting with the customer on their issues, and so on.

However, once the price and proposal have been sent, you better stop caring, otherwise, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

You should just be happy that you gave it your best shot, and the rest is irrelevant. That’s a great controllable internal goal in sales and a way to a satisfying career.

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