An Overview of The Five Levels of Leadership.

John Maxwell’s Five Levels of Leadership is a leadership development model that individuals and organizations can use to improve leadership effectiveness. The model consists of five levels, each with its own set of behaviours and outcomes.

The first level is the Position level, where leaders have authority but no influence. They rely on their title or position to get things done. This level is all about power and control.

The second level is the Permission level, where leaders have some influence but it is based on relationships rather than authority. These leaders gain trust and buy-in from followers by building relationships and being transparent.

The third level is the Production level, where leaders achieve results through their team. These leaders are focused on getting things done and achieving results.

The fourth level is the People Development level, where leaders develop people. These leaders invest in their team members and help them grow and develop their skills.

The fifth and highest level is the Pinnacle level, where leaders create legacy. These leaders are focused on making a lasting impact and leaving a legacy. They are concerned with making a difference beyond their own personal success.

Leadership is not about power or position; it’s about influence. The higher the level of leadership, the greater the influence. Leaders who focus on developing people will have the greatest impact in the long run.

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