Believe You Can Be Wrong.

I’ve stated before in my essays that people generally don’t like to be told that they are wrong. It takes a particular person to receive criticism and immediately take it constructively.

I know that I need to stop and let criticism sink in before being able to process it positively.

However, I’ve recently understood that many of the beliefs and ideas that I’ve held for a long time are not correct, and it’s been a wake-up call to understand the true nature of things.

Now I’ve reached a stage where I am skeptical of myself, what I can achieve, and if what I now believe is correct or not, or even if it matters.

While this is perhaps not a great permanent state of mind, it’s probably a step on the right path to building a solid framework for analyzing the world and situations around us.

So give this a try:

Assume you are radically wrong, and truly step in the shoes of someone who takes a near opposite viewpoint to yours, and try to understand both the what and the why.

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